More on 'Sell our Ports to Dubai' UPDATED! Bush threatens VETO!

What is wrong with Bush? I really do not understand his position on this, threatening a Veto to any legislation that try's to put a stop to the purchase by Dubai Ports World of some of our most crucial ports. In the middle of the war on terror and the "tough guy on terror" makes a major blunder in my opinion. With the Bi-partisan support to stop the sale, I say "Challenge the Veto", it would be overcome!
Bush Says
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush locked horns with Congress over the controversial takeover by a Dubai company of operations at six major US ports, threatening to veto any bill that could delay the deal.
Weighing in after a long silence on a topic that has roiled Washington for several days, Bush made his veto threat after top US lawmakers vowed to introduce legislation to block the contract until a thorough vetting of United Arab Emirates ports operator Dubai Ports World has been completed.
Congress Says
The controversy has rocketed to the top of the US political agenda, as Democrats and Republicans have joined forces to try to upend it, criticizing what they describe as the UAE's spotty record on combating terror.
Unless US lawmakers prevent it, Dubai Ports World's controversial acquisition of the British firm which currently manages the ports is to be finalized on March 2, despite furious lobbying against it by US lawmakers.
Muslims Say(Even with all the pictures of riots over cartoons!)
Arab-American groups suggested that the entire controversy smacked strongly of racism. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee issued a statement charging "rhetoric and bias" during the debate.
"Those who purport that ports can be run securely by a British company, but not by an Arab one, are engaging in racial profiling on the corporate level," the group said.
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The administration stands tough on the Port deal to Dubai, but I believe that under the weight of the blogssphere they will collapse, what a foolish idea to start with! Turn our ports over to Islamic countries that co-inspired 9/11!
President's gone insane'  9/11 dad Peter Gadiel, whose son died in 9/11 attacks, joins Sen. Chuck Schumer at yesterday's press conference. Peter Gadiel just doesn't get it.
How, asks Gadiel, whose son James died in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, can a company owned by a terror-linked country get control of our nation's ports?
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Never thought I would side with Chuck Schumer, but!
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