Ticking Time Bomb? Iran's Nukes

US Planning 'Last Resort' Bombing on Iran's Nukes, Report Says.
(CNSNews.com) - A report over the weekend saying that the Pentagon is planning for potential military strikes against Iran brought the customary response from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. She said the United States wants a diplomatic solution to the nuclear dispute but no options are off the table.
The fact that the Defense Department leaked the information is seen as significant, however. Read the rest.
Iran clerics back nuclear weapons
Iran's hard-line Islamic spiritual leaders have issued an unprecedented fatwa, or holy order, approving the use of atomic weapons against the country's enemies.Muslim clerics for the first time have questioned the theocracy's traditional viewpoint that Shariah law forbids the use of nuclear weapons.
Read the rest.
Previously: Ahmadinejad: Israel 'will be removed'
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