Muslim-Mohammed Reza Taheriazar,Runs Down Group!

Sources say Taheri-azar told police he was seeking retribution for the treatment of Muslims around the world, according to ABC News justice correspondent Pierre Thomas. Taheri-azar apparently told police he tried to rent the biggest SUV he could find to use in the attack. Malkin has more.CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) - A sport utility vehicle raced through a popular gathering spot at the University of North Carolina on Friday, clipping and scattering startled bystanders before it sped away, authorities said.
The crash happened in front of Lenoir Hall in an area known as The Pit, which does not have an easy access point for vehicles. Five students and a visiting scholar were taken to UNC Hospitals with minor injuries, hospital spokesman Tom Hughes said.
Investigators said they did not know what motivated the driver, Mohammed Reza Taheriazar, 23, who was enrolled at UNC last fall. Taheriazar turned himself in about two miles from the campus near Raleigh, Chapel Hill police Capt. Brian Curran said.
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